Σάββατο 28 Μαΐου 2011

"Protagonistes" - Stavros Theodorakis, MEGA Channel


35,000 illegal immigrants have passed within 10 months of the 12.5 km land border in Evros, which separates Greece from Turkey. People from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, SomaliaMorocco and Algeria looking for a place in Europe, through this illegal passage. Border guards and men of Frontex, the police director of Orestiada, Greeks and Turks fishermen in the area, and Turkish trafficker who was arrested in October in the middle of the river Evros after having transferred 13 Afghan illegal immigrants at the Greek side. The documentary focuses on the entrance of immigrants in Greece, their arrestthe situation in the reception centers, while they are waiting for the decision of temporary expulsion, which will allow them to travel to Athens and be lost in the anonymity of the city.

Need for effective measures

Four Greek border guards and two German commandos dispatched to the Greek-Turkish frontier by Frontex, the European Union’s border monitoring agency, emerged unscathed on Friday after four suspected Turkish people smugglers opened fire on them with hunting rifles. The smugglers had been preparing to disembark a group of nearly 100 would-be migrants onto the islet Antas in Tychero, which forms part of Greece’s land border with Turkey, when they spotted two police patrol vehicles on the Greek side of the border. The suspects fired their guns in the air first, presumably as a warning for the Greek-German contingent to retreat. Seeing no reaction, the smugglers started firing at the two vehicles which were a few hundred meters away. Speaking to Kathimerini, the head of the Evros police officers’ union, Constantinos Hatzianagnostou, said yesterday that the number of illegal immigrants entering Greece via the Evros River has increased to more than 100 per day following a brief lull. The situation in the area is getting worse. 

"Ereyna" Pavlos Tsimas, MEGA Channel

The much debated question, if the construction of Evros fence will solve the problem of illegal immigration, tried to "answer" the journalist Pavlos Tsimas. "Ereyna" went to the disputed area, talked with people in the region, with the border guards, with Greeks and foreignersbut also with an immigrant group that has just been delivered to the policeAfter passing through the other side of the border, in Adrianople, which is the"business center" of traffickers and visiting Turkish villages near the borderHowever, Ereyna does not refer only to the case of Evros fence: "Travels" in Spain, where fence had to stem the waves of African migration, and also in the US Mexican border,where they built the first fence, to halt the immigration from Mexico.

Παρασκευή 27 Μαΐου 2011

New passages in Greek-Turkish borders

While the fence in Evros is to be built as the ministry of citizen protection assures, however, they are trying to find new ways and other passages in Greek - Turkish border. Moreover, in the            summer big enough migration flows are expected. It is significant that during the first quarter of 2011, the influx of immigrants  in the north reduced 50% in comparison with the last year, but in the south increased by 230%.



Poll for Evros fence - "Proto Thema"

73% is the percentage of respondents who agree to the construction of the fence, according to the poll that Alco did for the newspaper "Proto Thema", while against the fence is the percentage of 18% of the respondents. 9% did not give an answer. 

Poll for Evros fence - "Kathimerini tis Kyriakis"

According to the poll of Public Issue on behalf of the newspaper "Kathimerini tis Kyriakis" to the question "what is your opinion on the construction of the fence in Evros, 39% of the respondents said "definitely agree", 20% said that "rather agree", 21% said "definitely disagree", 7% that "rather disagree", while 12% said "neither disagree nor agree".
About the degree of information about the fence, 10% said they was "very informed", 41% think they are "fairly informed", 30% said they are "not very informed", 17% said they are "not informed", while 2% did not express any opinion
Finally, on the effectiveness of the fence, 15% said it "definitely can block the flow of migrants, 41% said "rather can", 20% said "rather cannot" and 23% said "definitely not".

Poll for Evros fence - "Ethnos tis Kyriakis"

Polls were published in newspapers about the issue of Evros fence and illegal immigration. According to Marc's polls, on behalf of the newspaper "Ethnos tis Kyriakis", the percentage of the people who are in favor of the fence stands at 80.3% and the 18.6% stating that it is opposed. 1.1% did not give an answer. In addition, the poll stated that the 68.8% "agree or rather agree" with the establishment of immigrant detention centers in old camps, the 89.5% "agree or rather agree" with "voluntary or forced expulsion of illegal immigrants" and the 86.5% "agree or rather agree" with the idea of sending the immigrants back.

Evros fence: solution to illegal immigrants?

The minister of citizen protection, Christos Papoutsis, announced that authorities plan to build a fence along Greece’s 206-kilometer land border with Turkey --similar to the US-Mexico frontier-- in an effort to curb a seemingly endless influx of illegal immigrants, something that created a debate and many different reactions. On the one hand, the politicians and political parties advocate the construction of the fence, and on the other hand, there are many with specific arguments on human rights abuse, high construction costs, and others who believe that is doubtful whether the construction of the fence will reduce illegal entry of immigrantsThe only sure thing is that Greek society has exceeded its ability to absorb any more illegal immigrants in the country, but can an a decision like that be effective against the increasing waves of immigrants? Is this a drastic measure against massive illegal immigration?